San Francisco, Sausalito, and Big Sur - three of the most stunning places in California in my opinion (a Northern California native) shot on 35mm film by yours truly. A few years ago my dad gifted me his Canon T50 film camera from the 80's and I became enamored of shooting film. For me, photography has been a bit unapproachable in the past - complicated cameras are not my forte. I have always loved taking photos, but pointing and shooting with my iphone has been the extent of it. Shooting with film instantly clicked for me and instigates a bit of nostalgia for simpler times. Shoot and point and wait and see what happens- patience. Everything is so instant and easily accessible in our lives, we want something - we can look online and find 10 different ways to get it, we take a photo we instantly see if we like it or not and then have the option to take another one or 100 more. Convenience is great and I still use my iphone to take tons of photos, but sometimes it can make us lose appreciation for certain things. I love the idea of taking one photo of something, and waiting a few weeks to see the result, and the excitement of picking up a developed roll of film to discover all the gems is like the same feeling of waking up on Christmas morning as a child. Its like a chase, and who is not guilty of loving a good chase once in a while? I file this feeling under things that give me a natural high, along with making jewelry, holding puppies or babies, watching a sunset from a surfboard on a glassy night, and traveling to a new place -these are some of my favorite things !!! I hope you enjoy these photos :)
Here are some views of the Golden Gate Bridge from Sausalito, CA

San Rafael, CA - my hometown on a foggy day.
In all my travels, my eyes have never seen beauty that compares to BIG SUR. I have so many fond memories camping and exploring the raw nature of this enchanted land. I recently read that part of the highway collapsed right in the middle of Big Sur and my heart broke a little bit - I hope it's able to be repaired soon. Here are some film shots from my most recent trip a few years back. XO

I hope you enjoyed this visual journey through Big Sur! More film posts to come soon!
Xoxo Taylor